Favourite Frames – Alternative Wedding Photography
Farnham Castle is one of my favourite local venues to work at. No matter what time of year, it always looks stunning. So why, I hear you ask, have I chosen this example of rather alternative wedding photography as one
Large Format 4×5 Wedding Photography on Film
"Hasn't it all gotten so much easier since digital came along?" "How many hundreds of shots have you taken already?" "What do wedding photographers do for the rest of the week?" These are just a few of the questions that I regularly get asked
Favourite Frames – Finding a Different Viewpoint
While many professional photographers lament the number of guests with cameras, that has now become the norm at most wedding, I find that moments like the one above (encouraged by the Registrar after the official ceremony had taken place) provide the
Favourite Frames – Jewish Wedding
The traditional jewish wedding is full of symbolic rituals, including the Badeken, in which the groom covers the face of the bride with a veil to symbolise the idea of modesty and conveys the lesson that however attractive physical appearances may
Favourite Frames – The Wedding Morning
Arriving to photograph the bride getting ready for her wedding in Italy, you might expect to walk into a scene of serenity and glamour. While I was certainly able to get those kind of shots later on, as Steph prepared