watts gallery wedding photography

Watts Gallery Wedding Photography

The Watts Gallery in Compton is an art gallery that I’ve enjoyed visiting, ever since I moved to Guildford, so I was thrilled to capture this Autumn Watts Gallery wedding photography. I’ve enjoyed numerous exhibitions at the gallery, concerts, and even the cafe and gift shop are worth a visit alone. I also regularly cycle past on my mountain bike. We’re lucky to have some big, and well established wedding venues in the Guildford area, but it’s so nice that venues like Watts Gallery are able to offer a quirky alternative for couples looking for something a little different.

Autumn Watts Gallery wedding photography

My photography on this special day started at the Watts Gallery where the bride and groom were kept apart in separate areas, and I was able to capture images of both of them. It wasn’t made any easier by the rain on the day, but it’s something I love to do, as it helps tell a more complete story of the day. After a wonderful ceremony, we moved across to Limnerslease, a beautiful house, which is also part of the Watts Gallery property. We enjoyed delicious Indian food, speeches, and even an impromptu gig from the groom’s brother.


indian bride waves to guests as they arrive at weddingadult bride and friends enjoy a drink before the wedding ceremonywatts gallery wedding venue guildfordwedding guests hugart gallery wedding father and son before the wedding twin boys at art gallerywatts gallery wedding ceremony bride and daughter arrive at wedding venue in the rain moments before the wedding ceremony bride and groom walk down the aisle together with niece and nephew smiling bride young ring bearers at wedding ceremony in Guildford bride and groom exchange rings newly married couple are announced as husband and wife first kiss at Watts Gallery wedding wedding guests taking photos just married photo candid photo of couple just after getting marriedwedding guests congratulating the newly married couple friend congratulate the groom after his wedding ceremony wedding portrait at Watts Gallery in Compton family wedding photo bride shows off her wedding ring to friends daughter gives wedding speech first dance